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Author Guidelines

Publication ethics
Before submission, all authors should refer to the journal's Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement. More information could be found elsewhere (Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE).

Types of Contribution
• Original full-length research papers 
• Short communications
• Review articles 

Corresponding author
Clearly indicate who is responsible for correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, including post-publication. Ensure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address. Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors. 

Preparation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be written in English in a clear and concise manner, with the following structure: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements, References, Figure Captions and then Tables and Figures. Use numbered headings for the following sections: Introduction, Experimental, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. Use 11 or 12 pt font size and standard fonts, double spacing and wide (3 cm) margins (avoid full justification, i.e., do not use a constant right-hand margin). Ensure that each new paragraph is clearly indicated. Short communications should be kept to a maximum of four typewritten pages. A short communication should be a brief but complete description of an investigation.

Papers should be headed by a concise and informative title. This should be followed by the name(s) of the author(s) and by the name and complete address of the laboratory in which the work was performed. 

An abstract of 50-200 words should be included at the beginning of a paper. The abstract should comprise a brief and factual account of the contents and conclusions of the paper as well as an indication of any new information presented and its relevance. Abstracts should be understandable in isolation, and reference to formulae, equations or references that appear in the main text is thus not permissible. 

Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of five keywords. Click here for a complete list of keywords (one keyword can be selected free by your self - not from the list) 

The SI system should be used for all scientific and laboratory data. If, in certain instances, it is necessary to quote other units, these should be added in parentheses.

The references should be brought together at the end of the article, and numbered in the order of their appearance in the text. Numerals for references are given in square brackets. In the reference list, journals [1], books [2], edited multi-author books [3] and patents [4] should be cited in accordance with the following examples: 

1. J. Dusza, J. Kovalcik, P. Hvizdoš, P. Šajgalik, M. Hnatko, M.J. Reece, “Enhanced creep resistant silicon-nitride-based nanocomposite”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.88 [6] (2005) 1500-1503.
2. M. Winterer, Nanocrystalline Ceramics - Synthesis and Structure, Springer, Berlin 2002.
3. M. Zarzecka, M.M. Bucko, J. Brzezinska-Miecznik, K. Haberko, “YAG powder synthesis by the modified citrate process”, pp. 35-39 in Proceedings of the Sixth Students Meeting – SM 2005, eds. by V.V. Srdic, J. Ranogajec, Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2005.
4. A. Hashimoto, Y. Takase, “Method of manufacturing ceramic thick-film printed circuit board”. US patent 6 753 033 (June, 2004).

Tables should be typed in double spacing on separate sheets and provided with a suitable heading. Tables should be clearly referred to in the text using Arabic numerals. Considerable thought should be given to layout so that the significance of the results can be easily grasped. Each table should have a caption, which makes the general meaning understandable without reference to the text. 

Figures and Illustrations
Figures should be of a reproducible quality and roughly the same size. All Figures should have clear and concise captions. Lettering should be consistent and no smaller than size 12 (Helvetica preferred). The type and symbol size should be in proportion to the size of the figure. When scale is important to interpretation of objects in a photograph, a legible scale marker must be included.
• Drawings made with Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw generally give good results, use Times New Roman font. 
• For halftones and halftone/line art combinations, the minimum resolutions are 300dpi; preferred format is TIFF or EPS. 
Illustrations can be printed in colour when they are judged by the Editor to be essential to the presentation. The publisher and author will each bear part of the extra costs involved.

Only after final acceptance authors may be asked to send electronically again some figures in the special format acceptable for printing (TIFF or EPS).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Publication ethics
    Before submission, all authors should refer to the journal's Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement. More information could be found elsewhere (Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE).
  2. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  3. The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, WordPerfect or LaTeX document file format.
  4. The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font and wide (3 cm) margins; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); uses numbered headings for sections; Table and Figure captions are given in the text at appropriate places; Tables and Figures are given at the end of the text and not embeded in the text.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Copyright Notice

All authors must sign the "Transfer of Copyright" agreement before the article can be published. This will be sent to the corresponding author after the manuscript is accepted for publication.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


PAC International Journal